i just got mine taken off...just call the nail salon and ask then to take them off. They usually charge about 10 dollars. but to be completely honest...they just take them off by wedging a fake nail underneath your acryllic one.......... prob. the same thing you might do. and your nails shouldnt look bad after you get them taken off if they do tell them to shine and file your nails. they should do that free of charge.Acrylic nails?
if you're having your nails removed like this and paying for it then that shows that you dont care who touches your nails... no professional tech would EVER remove nails like that... so that tells me that they dont speak english so you have no idea what type of product they use on you...
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Don't rip them!!!! You can permanetely damage your nail bed. FYI-- mayne acrylics used on names are actually dental acrylics and are meant to last forever. Instead you'll need to gently soak them off. You'll need a few new emory boards, a plastic bowl that you can throw out, and a bottle of 100% acetone. Don't get regular 'ol nailpolish remove, you need 100% acetone. Pour about an inch of acetone into the bowl and soal for 5-10 minutes. Remove nails and file the tops of the acrylic off. The acrylic should be dissoling and should sorta peel off. Once you've buffed off the soft acrylic you'll add new acetone to the bowl and repeat. THis will take about an hour. Once all the acyrlic is gone you'll need to moisturize your nails wil vaseline or a strong hand creme. You might want to invest in a nail hardening product too till they grow out.
Get an acetone nail polish remover, then soak the acrylics. Rub off the dissolved acrylic material, soak again, rub off, repeat until you have nothing left but your nails. Slow but this is how they do it in the shops. Absolutely do not peel them off; this tears layers off your real nails and takes months to grow out.
eeek don't do that! your real nails could get damaged! ask your salon person about the best way to get yours off.
I love acrylics(:
I get them done every 2 weeks.
What I usually do..If i dont want to where them anymore, I just peel them from the bottom up, and take them off.
It hurts..but It comes off faster.
You can soak your nails in acetone nail polish remover to weaken the glue and they will come off. If you purchase the kind in the little jar/pot container instead of the bottle it is easier. Give it some time and do not tear or rip them off or you may damage your nail-bed, which isn't so easy to fix or ';pretty'; for that matter:) Best wishes....
The best thing to do is soak them in acetone and water. You can get a bottle at any drug store in the nail care aisle. Just make sure that you leave your nails in at least 1/2 an hour so that they can come off. If you just let them grow out then you can get water under the nail and get a fungus.
It's SOOOO bad for you to just let them break off or to rip them off. Very painful too. You can go to your local beauty supply store and find a solution to soak your nails in. It will soften the acrylic where you can peel it off. But what I really suggest is to go to your local nail salon and tell them you want them off. They will take them off for you. Then get yourself a nice manicure because your nails will look pretty bad after you finally get them off.
there are some good answers here, but take from me a professionally licensed nail tech.... first off jmo i know its your money but that was a waste if you dont plan to maintain them...but anyways if you actually got acrylics yes if you dont maintain them they will pop off eventually and in most cases your natural nail will break(if it has grown that much) but if you want to save your nails go back to a tech and have them professionally removed because the acetone in stores(that you will only be able to buy) isnt THAT strong to removed acrylics you will be sitting and soaking for hours...
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