Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Acrylic Nails?

What's the best way to take acrylic nails off? With the least amount of damage to the natural nails?Acrylic Nails?
To remove acrylic nails, the ideal situation would be to return to the salon which applied them.

Next best -try any salon which does nails.

Least preferable method to do this yourself, you will need :

-acetone - pure, acetone is best to dissolve the acrylic

-coarse and fine nail files

-a shallow dish or bowl ( only use glass or hard plastic - acetone can dissolve paint, and some plastics, so be careful)


-somewhere to wash and dry hands

-maybe a nail brush

You can also but a remover which comes in a jar that you stick your hand into, though i find it uncomfortable... ( Sally Hansen)

You will need to soak the nails in acetone for quite awhile...

10-20 minutes probably... most of the acrylic will get soft and dissolve into the acetone. you will need to gently brush it off maybe with a nail brush or fingers...

If there are resistant pieces of acrylic sticking to nails, carefully file them off. do not pry them off as this will damage your nails underneath.

When acrylic is off, wash and dry hands, moisturize ( acetone dries skin), and then wipe off the moisturizer on nails and apply a nail strengthener, 2 coats. Let dry. Remoisturize cuticles.

If you soak long enough the acrylics come off, and does not damage nails too much - most of the damage was done when applying as they had to rough up the surface of each nail so acrylic would adhere.

Hope this helps!!Acrylic Nails?
Your best bet is to go the shop/salon where you get them filled in and get the nails soaked off in acetone.

Don't pick, pull, lift, or try to take them off yourself unless you are soaking them in acetone. You can damage your nail and it will take MONTHS to heal and return to normal.

If you do it at home, take some marbles(yes marbles) and heat them in a small pot on the stove until they are warm. Get a glass bowl(not metal!) and put the marbles in the bottom of the bowl. Add the acetone slowly into the bowl and soak your nails this way. Stir your fingertips into this and give it time for the acetone to melt away the acrylic. It may take some time, but it's better than damaging your nails.
Acetone kind of ';melts'; them off. but your nails will be very thin and and soft. You will need to keep clear polish on them at all times until they get used to the oxygen again and get thicker! I don't know of any better way. Acrylic nails are terrible for natural nails.
buy special remover for acrylic nails. you can get it at any place like Wal-Mart. it will take a long time, but that is the best way to not damage your nails.
I usually soak them in nail polish remover for about 20 mins and then take em off. I bought this one nail polish called Qtica and it works awesome on ure nail after ya get ure acrylic nails off ita a little expensive but it lasts forever!
ACETONE to soak them off or go to the salon and they will do it takes a while to melt them off

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