how do take off acrylic nails without biting them off or getting them taken off professionally?Acrylic nails?
The quickest way to do it is to go buy some Pure Acetone Nail Polish Remover. You can buy at the Beauty Supply Store. Pour contents into a big bowl big enough to emerge both hands. Make a tent with a small towel to trap heat but NEVER warm or heat acetone-it's flammable! Soak every 20 minutes-It'll get rubbery where you'll be able to file acrylic off. Take hands out of bowl every 20 minutes, filing each time. You'll be able to successfully remove them that way in about an hour. Afterwards, moisturize your hands with oil because this method is very drying.Acrylic nails?
soak them in acetone nail polich remover for a few minutes.and then wen they feel soft...slowly start at one edge and pull them off care fully.
get some nail polish remover WITH ACETONE in it and sock them it takes 5 to 10 min
soak them in nailpolish romover which makes them easy to take off yourself
I just did this, because three of my nails broke off and I looked ridiculous. I soaked mine for a few minutes *maybe about 4?* in acetone nail polish remover. Mine didn't just come right off, as some people would lead you to believe. I used a pair of nail clippers to gently pry them off. Warning: Your nails will NOT be a pretty sight, so be prepared.
They sell removers for acrylic nails (Mem is right) But if you don't do it right or have a problem, you can damage or weaken your nails. Which of course having acrylics or any fake nails or tips will do just by wearing them. I think you should have a professional do it. It will not cost much, believe me.
I if were you i'd get them professionally. I didn't do it right and it messed my nails up for a while.
Soak them in nail polish remover for acrylic.
go to a salon and have them removed professionally....even though some ppl have been telling you to use acetone even though that's right but the strength you need you wont be able to need a 100% straight acetone and ONLY salons can use this....please go get this if you go back to the place you got them done they shouldnt charge you that much to remove them....but let someone that's licensed do the work....PLEASE!!!!!
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