Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Removing acrylic nails??

How can I remove them at home? What is the quickest,safest and most efficient way to remove my acrylic nails?Removing acrylic nails??
If you don't want to go to a nail salon and do it at home...take one of the nails, go inbetween the real nail and the fake nail with the other fake nail and push in, then go up and down gently. This should separate the two nails. If you need to, dip ur nails in some nail polish remover (acetone) and that should soften them. Also you can wait until they grow out a alittle. If you don't care about having long nails (what I used to do) is bite the nail and that should crack the nail in the middle.Removing acrylic nails??
soaking them in nail polish remover helps to loosen the glue, but really no matter what you do it is usually painful and your real nails are destroyed underneath till they grow out.

Good luck
Soak them in acetone. It will loosen them up, then something flat and slid it under the nail...DON';T pick the nails off, They'll ruin your nails even more.

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